Enhancing dementia care

Harmonic Health offers best-in-class dementia care designed to improve clinical outcomes for patients and caregivers. Our support, education, and guidance ensures the highest possible quality of life.

Contact us
Elderly grandmother holding hands with her granddaughter
6.7 million
Americans suffer from neurodegenerative diseases and this figure is projected to rise to 12 million by the year 2050.
The amount of primary care physicians who are not prepared to manage their patients with neurodegenerative diseases.
$375 bilion
The direct medical expenses for managing neurodegenerative diseases in the U.S. and this figure is projected to rise to $1 trillion by the year 2050.
Visual design of Harmonic Health's mobile app

Our vision

We envision a world where patients receive personalized care tailored to their unique needs, caregivers unite with strength around their loved ones, and physicians experience reassurance, delivering specialized care with profound impact.

Our mission

Our mission is to deliver evidence-based and comprehensive dementia care with a fundamental focus on mitigating the effects of cognitive decline.

What We Do

Comprehensive assessments
Given to both patients and caregivers to assess and identify unique needs
Data reporting
On quality, care delivery, assessment, sociodemographic, and HRSN data
Care plans
Addressing goals, preferences and needs so no one feels uncertain about next steps
Medication management
Clinicians review and reconcile. Care navigators support adherence.
24/7 access
Care team members can be called through a 24/7 helpline for patients and caregivers
Caregiver support
Educational classes and respite services are available to reduce strain
In-home care & ongoing monitoring
Long-term help is available so patients and caregivers never feel alone in the process
Coordination and integration
Coordination and integration with specialists and outside teams

Testimonials from our patients

“This is the first time I have laughed and smiled in months.”
“I was really looking forward
to our appointment because you always make me smile and uplift me. Always!”
“I've been praying for a program like Harmonic Health”

Get in touch

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